Sunday, 21 August 2011

And now the end is near.......

Hi everyone,

Sorry not been around for a bit, been a bit busy!

Went up to a very quiet Hindhead at rush hour this eveing. As you can see the traffic lights have now been turned off for ever (sob sob not really!) with work due to start on converting them to 2 mini roundabouts in the next week or so.

Also I took a couple of photo's of the work being carried out at the end of Headley Road. This is progressing nicely and should only last for another couple of weeks.

I also drove down to the Gibbet to see what is happening to the old road. It is totally different now, as you can see, and looks nothing like it used to!

Keep on driving..............


Tim said...

Looking forward to running up there when finished. I posted some observations in the previous thread from my run on Fri PM. Thought occurred that is like some of the old railways I run on (e.g. Liss/Longmoor and Downs Link). Difference is those waited years to be converted, old A3 a matter of days...

gummybear said...

yeah I know mate and it was your comment that made me go and have a look.

Michelle said...

Hi - I'm loving living in Hindhead even more now the A333 is nice and quiet :-)

The only thing that is bugging me is how are cars going to get to the youth hostel and the few houses that are near the youth hostel?

Cheers for any info

Nutcombe said...

Access to the Hostel and other properties is from the Thursley interchange and up the link road that was used for the northbound carriageway of the A3 during the tunnel construction.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the info Nutcombe.

I think I'll have a walk around this weekend to see how things are progressing.

Tim said...

And made the news today

Anonymous said...

Brillant the tunnel is open shame the Hindhead crossroads is worse than it ever was. Three work men scratching about for a few hours a day it's hard to see what they have done. But joy today there were 7 men there, but only 1 was working.

John said...

Well I think that the old road would have made a superb dry ski slope with a ski lift back up to the National Trust car park. I guess it would have been the longest in the UK and would have been very 'Alpine' making it's way through the trees. Would have kept Hindhead on the map too

friv 4 said...

I was somewhat surprised to see the first image but now can understand what you want to say.