Sorry have been uploaded anything for a while, have had a few laptop issues, namely the wife and a can of coke! but lets say no more about that before I explode!
I was sent these from David at Thanks David they are brilliant!
Must say a big hello to Red Robbo. Thanks for your email mate and the concern! im still alive and kicking!!!
I hope to have some more photos up soon of the work on the old A3, i'm planning on walking up there sunday afternoon.
Keep on driving......................
Too good to last - Tunnel closing see
but only for cleaning
Cleaning? How can it need cleaning and maintenance after less than a month?!
Anyway, today (19th) is another landmark (in a way). The infamous Hindhead lights were turned off, presumably for the last time. Unfortunately, they have been replaced by 4-way temporary traffic lights while they start the redevelopment of the junction (I hope). So the A287 queues are back - oh joy!
AND the second set of light at the junction of the Headley Road (into Grayshott) makes it as slow to get onto the A3 as ever it was (from Hindhead itself) ... for now.
evening all,
yes the hindhead lights have been turned off for good now. The temporary traffic lights at headley road and the crossroads are only going to be there for the next 3 to 4 weeks and then they will go and we will have 3 shiny new roundabouts!!!
Hi been lurking here a bit so thought would share what saw tonight.
I ran up by the old A3 tonight. The London bound side from the Youth Hostel to Boundless Road has had the top surface removed and the cat eyes removed. Turns out I shouldn't have run on this bit as that bit is effectively closed for now. Looks like you might have to seek permission for them to open the temporary fence if want to access the Youth Hostel.
Had a chat to a friendly Balfour guy who was effectively guarding access past the YHA and he thought that bit would be out until about Nov when believe one side will be road and the other bridleway. Just pass the YHA towards Hindhead the old A3 has been completely dug up for 100 yards or so. Even at near 7pm work was going on and looks like they had some floodlights to keep going after dark.
"Unoffically" there might be some sort of narrow pedestrian path down the course of the old road rather than completely returning it to nature. So for now the old A3 is seemingly as inaccessible to walkers and cyclists as it ever was but should be good when complete.
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