Saturday, 6 August 2011

I'm Back!

Hey everyone

I'm back home in the UK YAY!

So far have been home for 13 hours and have been through the tunnel 3 times, the last i had a personal escort from the Surrey Chapter of the Hells Angels - thanks guys!

With regards to the meeting tomorrow I will post something on here later tonight once I had squared it with the misses!

Tunnel is brillian so much quicker!

keep on driving...............

1 comment:

Martin Rosen said...

Went through the tunnel for the first time yesterday. London to Portsmouth, and I reckon it shaved about 15 minutes off the journey.

Obviously I will have to try it a few more times before I can say for certain.

Unfortunately I have to go to Haslemere on the way back to London so won't be doing the reverse journey.