Sunday, 21 August 2011

And now the end is near.......

Hi everyone,

Sorry not been around for a bit, been a bit busy!

Went up to a very quiet Hindhead at rush hour this eveing. As you can see the traffic lights have now been turned off for ever (sob sob not really!) with work due to start on converting them to 2 mini roundabouts in the next week or so.

Also I took a couple of photo's of the work being carried out at the end of Headley Road. This is progressing nicely and should only last for another couple of weeks.

I also drove down to the Gibbet to see what is happening to the old road. It is totally different now, as you can see, and looks nothing like it used to!

Keep on driving..............

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Dark side of the moon

Evening one and all,

Sorry have been uploaded anything for a while, have had a few laptop issues, namely the wife and a can of coke! but lets say no more about that before I explode!

I was sent these from David at Thanks David they are brilliant!

Must say a big hello to Red Robbo. Thanks for your email mate and the concern! im still alive and kicking!!!

I hope to have some more photos up soon of the work on the old A3, i'm planning on walking up there sunday afternoon.

Keep on driving......................

Saturday, 6 August 2011


Right you lot

hi everyone

i'm sorry but im goign to have to cancel today - i've woken up with a streaming cold and a massive migraine.

Hopefully we can do it next weekend!

thanks to my wife for putting this on here!

Keep on driving............

Double Tunnel Vision!!

Hey folks,

Here is a video of the tunnel going through Rouen in France

Anyone notice the similarity between this tunnel and our tunnel????

Keep on driving...........

I'm Back!

Hey everyone

I'm back home in the UK YAY!

So far have been home for 13 hours and have been through the tunnel 3 times, the last i had a personal escort from the Surrey Chapter of the Hells Angels - thanks guys!

With regards to the meeting tomorrow I will post something on here later tonight once I had squared it with the misses!

Tunnel is brillian so much quicker!

keep on driving...............

Monday, 1 August 2011

Not Long Now

Bonjour all my lovely readers!

OK so here is a better picture of where I am currently sitting writing this post!

The tent is where myself, the wife and kids are staying and the caravan is the mother in law's, which is god as we can lock from the outside and shut her in! yay!

Only 4 days until I make the 682 mile journey home and finally get to go through the tunnel, can't flipping wait!

I will be going through a similar tunnel at Rouen on the way home so will try and get some pics of that one.

I was thinking of maybe going for a beer on Sunday at the punchbowl. Meet at the Miss James bridge and then walk up for a quick drink. If anyone wants to join me then leave a comment on this post so I know if anyone is going to turn up!

Until Thursday folks,

keep on driving..............