Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Safety and Responsibility

Can everyone please read the following:

Can everyone that takes photo's please use their common sense and stay outside the fencing and boundary markings that are clearly set out. these are for your own saftey and protection. We do not want anyone having an accident or trepassing.

I know that while the project coordinators dont mind photo's being taken we like to keep them happy as I know they look at this site.

This is the single biggest piece of engineering this area has ever seen and we all want to enjoy it.

Please stay safe and be responsible and adhere to all safety warnings and notices.

Many thanks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right! This is a very dangerous industry, 77 people lost their lives in 2007 and most of those were trained professionals. Don't become a statistic as a death or serious injury on a construction site. Keep snapping photos those of you with telephoto lenses!