Friday, 29 January 2010

January Update

Happy new year everybody!!!!!
My apologies for taken my time getting some new pics up here but I have been a bit poorly!
I have had these sent in to me which show the current position of the Northern end, the Southern end and also Miss James footbridge. I have heard a rumour that this is due to be completed around Easter time but will keep you updated.
I'm going to be getting out and about in the next week or so to get some photo's.
Keep on diggin......................

Monday, 11 January 2010

Jeremy Hunt MP & Hindhead Together

I hop.e you all had a pleasant and safe new years and you are all enjoying the snow - although it can go now we have had enough of it!
Over the Christmas and new year periods I have been in contact with some influential people involved with whats going on in Hindhead.
First is Jeremy Hunt MP, the MP for South West Surrey. I asked him what he thought about the tunnel and how things are going. This is his response:
"I campaigned hard for a tunnel at this section of the A3 - as did my predecessor Virginia Bottomley - and it featured as a high priority amongst my constituents in my survey of key issues for South West Surrey a couple of years ago. I am delighted that the A3 tunnel is taking shape and is on course to be ready in time for the Olympic Games. It really is a much needed addition to the road structure and will make a massive difference not only in terms of improved transport links but also for the environment as we close off the old A3 to Hindhead and give that land back to the National Trust. I am looking forward to its completion and the positive impact it will have on the local area, especially Hindhead which will finally see the curse of the dreaded A3 traffic jams lifted once and for all."
My thanks go to Jeremy Hunt for taking time out of his busy schedule to send this to me.
Secondly I have been in contact with Caroline White from Hindhead Together. Here are some details about who Hindhead Together are and what they are currently doing.
Hindhead Together is a partnership consisting of 8 agencies involved in, or with an interest in, the A3 tunnel and the once in a lifetime opportunity that comes with the completion of this £371m project.
Hindhead Together is working to secure a brighter future for Hindhead area by working to maximise the community, environment, landscape and ecological benefits brought about by the tunnel project.
The partnership comprises of several local, regional and national organisations with a stake in the future of Hindhead village and between them they are striving to create a fantastic destination with sound links to the other communities in the area in order to serve the current and future residents, businesses and visitors to a high standard.
Hindhead Together is working with the Highways Agency in order to look at the public realm improvements that will be made to the section of London Road between the current traffic lights and the National Trust car park. Once the tunnels are opened in 2011, the A3 will be closed and stopped up in Hindhead. This will both necessitate and enable many changes in function, structure and appearance.
It is vital at this time to start thinking about what those changes might incorporate. It is also key to explore how the changes will lead the owner on the either side to develop proposals for their own sites.
Looking Forward
The excitement surrounding the opening of the tunnel and indeed the landscape restoration and completion of the entire project is something that the whole community is keen to join in with. With this in mind there will be 2 events, coordinated by Hindhead Together.
The first will be in Spring 2011, before the tunnels are officially in use as a highway. It will be a pre-opening celebration, involving the local community, organisations and stakeholders in a charity weekend event or events. It will allow activities like walking, running, cycling etc that will not be permitted when the tunnels are open to traffic. The second is an event to celebrate the landscape restoration and environmental benefits of reuniting the Devils Punchbowl and Hindhead Commons. This is expected to take place in late summer 2011.
Hindhead Together is in the early planning stages of the first event and is working hard to ensure that, within the guidelines of the Highways Agency, everyone will have a fantastic celebration.
If anyone is interested in obtaining more information about Hindhead Together, or the work they do, please visit their website which can be found at:
If anyone does not receive their newsletter send me your email address (which will not be published on here or given to anyone else) and I shall email you a copy.
Finally I would like to thank Caroline White for her continued support and look forward to working with her and the Hindhead Together team in the future.
Keep your photo's and comments coming in and lets make 2010 a brilliant and exciting time for Hindhead!
Keep on diggin..............